Our Primary Objective
As enjoined by the Qur'an, is to "Establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]."
Qur'an 2:43

A dual mission for educating both Muslims and non-Muslim in an attempt to counter distortions and misconceptions about Islamic beliefs and practice. To demonstrate the Islamic origins of modern values like the rule of law and sciences. To promote Islam as a source of enlightenment and to promote those values that bring about a healthy society.

Masjid al-Salaam and Education Centre is located at 5060 Canada Way at the corner of Sperling diagonally across from the Burnaby Village Museum. The complex is anchored by the mosque with full facilities for males and females. The education wing includes three classrooms, a multimedia library and youth/recreation room. A multipurpose room for hosting lectures, dinners and community events
Burnaby Mosque Land is purchased in 1998. The Burnaby Masjid opened its doors while it was still under construction. Burnaby has been the leader in establishing a new role for Mosques in our lives. Not only does the Burnaby branch hold regular prayers in the Mosque, but Arabic lessons for children, adult education, public seminars for non-Muslims on Islam, lectures on health, movie screenings on Islam and related matters, a library and laptop computers are available at this modern Masjid. As well, plans are underway to add fi tness equipment. The association is also raising funds for a minaret. Burnaby is truly a Mosque for the 21st century.
Make a Donation - It Makes a Big Difference
Your support means so much to so many. One of the best ways to assist the activities
of The BC Muslim Association is through a financial donation. You can also make
a difference by supporting programs serving the vulnerable in your branch
Charity does not decrease wealth
Pay Your Zakat
Help Out With Sadaqa
Suppor Your Masjid