Masjid Al-Iman, Victoria, British Columbia Canada.
Victoria is a beautiful city located in British Columbia, Canada. The Muslim community in this city began with a small number of Muslim families and grew until it reached more than 1500 Muslims. Initially, Friday Jummah prayers and Eid prayers were arranged by Muslim brothers and sisters at different community halls and in the living room of a rented home. Over time, the Muslim community grew as Muslims from different origins settled in Victoria and the surrounding regions. Each year a new group of about 70 Muslim students arrives in Victoria.
In 1993, the Victoria Branch of the British Columbia Muslim Association (BCMA) was formed. The BCMA is a regional organization with its constitution based on the Quran and Sunnah. Despite limited resources in those early days, Islamic classes were held for both adults and children. Marriages and burial services were also provided. The Muslim community continued to increase steadily. With the Grace of Almighty Allah, in the latter part of 1996, two adjoining lots were purchased with a house on each lot. One house was remodeled as a Masjid to provide prayer facilities for both men and women. The second was rented to defray running expenses. Subsequently the second property was converted into a prayer area for women.
In 2003, the Board of the BCMA Victoria branch delegated a special committee to establish a Muslim cemetery in Victoria. As a result of that initiative, the community now has a Muslim cemetery. Initially 38 burial plots were purchased. While some plots were purchased by individuals, others belong to the Association and are made available when required. Alhamdulillah, this project is financially self-sufficient and in June 2008 an additional 62 plots were purchased in a new adjoining development phase of the burial park and will be available for use by year-end.
Currently with the Grace of Allah, the five daily prayers and the Friday prayer are performed in congregation at the Masjid. In addition there is a large Friday congregation at the local University of Victoria at the Interfaith Chapel. However, Eid prayers continue to be held in rented facilities.
Several other Islamic activities are also held in the community, including Quran classes for children and adults, Quran lecture nights, marriage services, activities for our brothers, sisters and youth, community dinners.
Now, by the Will of Allah, we have built the first Masjid on Vancouver Island. With more than sufficient capacity for current crowds, along with a burial prep room, a children’s baby-sitting area, and a large-size storage, the Masjid currently satisfies the diverse requirements of the Victorian Community (both Muslims and non-Muslims). The construction was completed on November 1st, 2012.
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